My intention here is to highlight a few of the many doors opening to the vast world of mindfulness. Friday morning meetings in Princeville feature core practices for living mindfully, including mindfulness meditation and yoga for balance.
Each heading and every meeting focuses on practical ways of developing compassion and insight in daily living. Each is about a certain way of experiencing the conscious connections we all share, as expressed in wisdom traditions over time around the world.
With gratitude to all my teachers along the way, especially those who have inspired respect for the mind-body connection at the heart of our health, well-being and happiness.
With Aloha,
Don Maurer
Please contact me if you have questions or comments.
(if you are on the mobile version of this site, to find individual topics tap the 3 bars to the upper right of the screen.)
Before moving to Kauai in 2018, I taught Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and related courses at the UC Irvine Center of Integrative Medicine, following a thirty year career in Emergency Medicine. More information here: linkedin.com/in/don-maurer-md-9181528
Mindfulness means paying attention to your present moment experience with an open, curious, non-judgmental attitude.
The practice of mindfulness nurtures a clearer understanding of how your thoughts and emotions impact your health and quality of life.
Practicing mindfulness is a time-tested way of recognizing the nature of your mind, which determines your reality.
Mindfulness means paying attention to your present moment experience
with an open, curious, non-judgmental attitude.
The practice of mindfulness nurtures a clearer understanding of how
your thoughts and emotions impact your health and quality of life.
Practicing mindfulness is a time-tested way of recognizing
the nature of your mind, which determines your reality.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a course about recognizing your innate capacity for healing and well-being through mindfulness. MBSR is taught in a supportive, educational group setting in 9 classes over 8 weeks, including a weekly 2 hour class and one 6 hour retreat. Here you are invited to learn practical skills for developing your ability to handle stress and connect with deep inner healing resources. The practice includes mind/body exercises (such as meditation and yoga) for directly experiencing the interplay of mind and body in health and illness. (More about MBSR found under "Resources" in headings.)
Mindfulness in
Daily Living
When: Fridays 830-10AM
Where: Aloha Room at the Princeville Community Center, Kauai
current schedule at
"Mindfulness in Daily Living" meets weekly on Friday mornings, focusing on practical ways and means of living mindfully. Each session includes meditation and simple yoga, along with other insight practices of awareness. Our intention is to bring attention in the moment to what's really at the heart of our health and well-being.
From "beginner" to "advanced" in practice experience, you're welcome to join in.
See "Princeville Class" in menu for more information.
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