     Guided Meditation and YogaÂ
Guided meditations
Mindful Breathing
http://cast.oit.uci.edu/drewj/Mindful%20Breathing%20(6%20minutes).mp3 6 minutes
Meditation on Thoughts
http://cast.oit.uci.edu/drewj/Meditation%20on%20Thoughts%20%2810%20minutes%29.mp3 10 minutes
Mountain Meditation
http://cast.oit.uci.edu/drewj/Mountain%20Meditation.mp3 10 minutes
Body Scan Meditation
http://stream3.es.uci.edu/tltc/Audio/Maurer/Body_Scan-Maurer.mp3 30 minutes
On the Body Scan by Jon Kabat-Zinn https://palousemindfulness.com/docs/bodyscan.pdf
Mindful yoga consists of gentle stretching and strengthening exercises with awareness of the sensations arising moment-to-moment in moving and breathing. The instructor is Dr. Lynn Rossy.
Mindful Yoga 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teo0f1ab1PY
Mindful Yoga 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PElmyy_kwN0
This chair yoga practice involves gentle stretching with mindful awareness.
It is simple and accessible (even in a confined space), and can help reduce stress and improve well-being.
Chair yoga is especially useful if you find yourself sitting for prolonged periods. The instructor is Dr. Corey Roos.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=barPap-8vnw
Listening meditation: "Kauai"